

The collection includes page images, descriptions and full digital text of more than a thousand documents. Search options include:

  • searching the author, title, subject, full description or full text of each document
  • limiting a search to a specific media, eg. notebooks or newspaper clippings
  • choosing the order of the search results list
  • viewing thumbnail document images in search results

Search results provide links to page images of each document, including a full description, a text version of the document, and links to related documents, where relevant.


The complete contents of the collection can be viewed, browsing by author, title, or subject.


In addition to the core collection, the following are available:

  • Banting's scrapbooks - page images of three scrapbooks, compiled by FG Banting, documenting his career and personal life. Selected items in the scrapbooks have also been individually described and included in the core collection. These items are listed on each scrapbook page.
  • Descriptions of the archival collections - The materials for this digital collection were selected from several archival collections, at the Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library and elsewhere. Descriptions of each archival collection, its source, and the digital materials selected, are provided.
(1 - 25 of 8,502)


The cure of diabetes
Insulin and yeast
Insulin: a patient's point of view.
New Canadian medical discovery
The insulin treatment
Triumphs of medicine
Insulin and diabetes
The London hospital
The supply of insulin
Cheaper insulin
Cheaper insulin
Letter to President R. A. Falconer ca. 01/1917
Letter to Sir Robert Falconer 20/07/1922
Letter accepting an appointment in the diabetic clinic in the Toronto General Hospital
